Welcome to the website of the Detention Review Panel.
The Detention Review Panel is a panel of UK MPs and senior lawyers that have been mandated to review the detention and treatment of people in detention where there are serious concerns that their human rights are being violated.
The DRP was establish in 2018 and its first report reviewed the detention and treatment of former President Morsi.
The DRP is currently reviewing the detention and treatment of Women Activist Detainees in Saudi Arabia.
The cross party panel is constituted from senior members of Parliament and has included former Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Mr Crispin Blunt MP, former Solicitor General, former Minister of State for Justice Lord Edward Faulks QC and Commons Health Select Committee member Dr Paul Williams MP and liberal Democrat Education Spokesperson, Layla Moran MP. The Panel’s work is supported by leading lawyers. Counsel to the DRP is currently Dr Tim Moloney QC of Doughty Street Chambers.
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“It is said that no one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails.” Nelson Mandela
Read about the Detention Review Panel's Members and the task that they are mandated to undertake as part of this review.